Our 2023 elections are around the corner. With ballots mailed the week of October 16th. For residents that have not received their ballots you may contact your individual county clerks’ office to locate or consider going to a polling place the day of elections on November 7. Below we have compiled a list of candidates and their respective campaign websites. The order of the City Candidates listed is based on filing date. If there is an asterisk (*) this denotes that the individual is personally a member of the Westminster Chamber since the date listed. This membership shows an interest in gaining information about the business community via the Chamber and an opportunity for them to be engaged in our operations.
2023 City Council Candidates
2023 Adams 12 School Board
District 2 Candidates
- Paula Battistelli
- Rebecca Elmore
- Brian Klein
District 1 Candidates
- Lori Goldstein
- Ken Murphy-Montoya
District 5 Candidates
- Ben Helgeson
- Alexis Marsh-Holschen
2023 Jeffco School Board
District 3 Candidates
- Michelle Applegate
- Thomas Wickle
District 4 Candidates
- Amara Hildebrand
- Erin Kenworthy
- Joel Newton
2023 Westminster Public Schools
- Brenda Gallegos
- Charles Gallegos
- Christine Martinez
- Mary Beth Murphy
- Anthony Sisneros
- Audrey Yanos
City of Westminster:
County Clerks’ Offices: Ballot Requests & Track My Ballot & Polling Site Locations/Times
Secretary of State: Register or Update Registration
School Board Candidate Virtual Interviews – October 25 – Facebook.Com/WestminsterCC
In Person Forums for City Council – City Hall October 19th at 4:30PM.
Virtual City Council Candidate Interviews – October 12th starting at 10AM
Westminster Chamber: Ballot Questions Presentation on TBA - Facebook.Com/WestminsterCC